Our Active Treatment Systems (ATS) are designed to meet the demands of contractors, utility companies, municipalities, etc. who need to lower the NTU's of turbid water with a low cost solution. From construction sites, coal ash ponds, utility bores, etc. chances are we have a solution to keep your site in compliance avoiding costly fines and stop work orders.
Our Active Treatment Systems are designed to reduce turbidity to safe discharge levels by automatically injecting flocculants to flocculate the suspended particles in turbid storm water. The systems can be set up to be completely run automatically to discharge, recirculate, record NTU readings of influent and effluent water, flow rates and rain fall. The system will alert you and show all of this information from your cell phone and an SD card. The systems run off of solar power and diesel pumps so there is no electricity required.
Our Active Treatment Systems are designed to treat, monitor and record turbid stormwater without personnel on site. As soon as the turbid water enters the treatment cell the unit reads and records the flow rate and influent turbidity readings. The influent turbidity reading will determine the rates for flocculant pumps to inject the flocculants into the line. After the turbid water has been treated it is sent to a settling basin to allow for the coagulation process. The cleanest water is skimmed from the upper layer of the basin and pumped through media filters to remove any particles that passed through the basin. The final step in the process is where the water enters back into the treatment cell where a second turbidity reading is taken to determine if the water quality meets the programmed level for safe discharge. If this level is not met the system will automatically go into recirculation mode until the safe discharge level is met. Once it is met it will automatically go back into discharge mode. The entire system is self reliant without the need for electricity. The high volume water pumps are self priming auto start/stop diesel pumps. The treatment cell is completely solar powered. The treatment cell holds an SD card that stores all of the influent/efluent turbidity readings, flow rate, rain fall, recirculation/discharge mode and GPS coordinates. All of this info can be sent directly to your cell phone in real time events with alerts to inform you when the system is activated.
Filtering Phases
1 - Heavily sediment contaminated storm water.
2 - First phase of filtering process.
3 - Second phase of filtering process.
4 - Final phase of filtering